Cristina SartoriResearcher in Animal Breeding and Genetics
Tel +39 049 8272632 Fax +39 049 8272633 E-mail [email protected] |
Curriculum vitae
- Associate professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2020-)
- Researcher in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2016-2020)
- Post doc in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2011- 2016)
- PhD student in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2008-2011)
- Livestock Biodiversity and Animal Food Safety (MSc)
- Applied Statistics (BSc)
- Computer Applications For Livestock Farm (MSc)
- Applied Statistics with R (PhD)
- Animal Breeding and Genetics/Genomics
- Animal Science
- Evolutionary biology
- Conservation genetics
- Animal Behavior
- Cattle and horse breeding